
Let’s review some basic guidance about EMAC missions and the
Mission Ready Package.

Resource Providers

Resource Providers should develop MRPs in coordination with other Resource Providers and in collaboration with a state’s emergency management agency.  Developing an MRP independently, with no consultation with other parties, may result in a packaged resource that will never be

used or exercised.

Mission Ready

Resource Providers should also ensure that equipment included in the MRP is maintained and mission ready at all times.

MRP Reimbursement

The MRP that was used in the offer identifies the basis of the reimbursement.  Since the offer was based upon estimated costs, the reimbursement package that will be sent from the Resource Provider to the Assisting State will differ somewhat from the MRP.

Ensuring Consistency

When developing the reimbursement package, the Resource Provider will need to include policy documents such as those that validate claims for equipment rates and personnel overtime eligibility.  Ensuring your MRP is consistent with policies upfront will make the reimbursement more efficient.

Check Packages

Resource Providers should regularly check that these packages are not in any way obsolete, that they offer the most effective capabilities possible, and that cost estimates

are still valid.

Mission Order Authorization

The Mission Ready Package is used as the basis of the offer of assistance.  It is not a legal document.  Once the offer is accepted by a Requesting State, the Requesting and Assisting States will complete the EMAC Mission Paperwork which does constitute a legally binding agreement between the two states.


You should not deploy until you receive the Mission Order Authorization Form from the state emergency management agency.


Mission Cost Changes

While deployed, changes that impact estimated costs should be reported as soon as possible to the home state agency and to the home state emergency management agency.


For example, if meals were to be provided at a base camp but during the conduct of the mission; but, it was discovered that the resource needs to purchase meals, this will change the conditions of the mission and should be reported.

More Information

For more information on eligible documented mission related costs, visit the
EMAC website and visit the EMAC eLearning Center.

Check Packages

Mission Ready

Mission Order Authorization

MRP Reimbursement

Mission Cost Changes

Ensuring Consistency

Resource Providers