EMAC glossary of terms and acronyms.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
M |
Mission Order Authorization Form (Mission Order)The documentation issued to resources at the pre-deployment briefing that authorizes the deployment. | |
MobilizationThe first stage of the Response phase of the EMAC process, when resources (personnel and equipment) are assembled and prepare to deploy into an affected area. | |
MSELMaster Scenario Events List | ||
MT DESMontana Disaster & Emergency Services Division | ||
Mutual AidAn agreement to lend assistance across jurisdictional boundaries. In its broadest sense, mutual aid may be considered “neighbor helping neighbor.” When formalized, mutual aid agreements provide a basic understanding between parties involved that the assisting jurisdiction will help the requesting jurisdiction if it is possible and reasonable. | |
N |
N+ FactorThe number of hours (or other time unit specified) from notification of mission authorization to time of deployment. | |
National Coordinating State (NCS)A group of operations personnel in the home state of the chair of the EMAC Executive Task Force who remain in their home state to coordinate and enforce EMAC policies and procedures during EMAC activations. The group exercises overall control of EMAC operations during activation of the system. The NCS is activated when there are active EMAC events. | |
National EMAC Liaison Team (NELT)A team of qualified A-Team personnel that deploys to the National Response Coordination Center in Washington, D.C., upon request from FEMA to the National Coordinating State (NCS) and with concurrence from NEMA. The NELT serves a liaison function in the EMAC governance structure to keep the federal government aware of state EMAC operations so that duplication of activities is avoided. The NELT may not actively request resources from other states. | |
National Emergency Management Association (NEMA)A nonprofit, nonpartisan association of emergency management and homeland security professionals that administers EMAC on behalf of the EMAC Member States. | |
National Incident Management System (NIMS)The system used to conduct incident management as specified in Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5 (HSPD-5). NIMS established a national standard methodology for managing emergencies and ensuring seamless integration of all local, state, and federal forces into the system. | |
National Response Coordination Center (NRCC)The facility in Washington, D.C., used by DHS/FEMA to coordinate federal response and recovery operations. Federal Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) are co-located at the NRCC to provide resource support to state counterparts through the Regional Response Coordination Center (RRCC). | |
National Response Framework (NRF)A series of guiding principles developed by the Department of Homeland Security that provides a comprehensive, all-hazards approach to domestic incident response. | |
NCSNational Coordinating State | ||
NEMANational Emergency Management Association | ||
NIMSNational Incident Management System | ||
NRFNational Response Framework | ||
O |
Operational ControlControl of an EMAC mission and its day-to-day output relative to schedules, specifications, and costs. The Requesting State has operational control over deployed personnel, but the Assisting State (the state that deployed the personnel) has command and control, so that deployed personnel may be recalled to the home state whenever necessary. | |
Operational Coordination ComponentsElements of a structure to ensure efficient control, action, and coordination. EMAC’s governance structure comprises four primary operational coordination components: National Coordinating State (NCS), Advance Team (A-Team), National EMAC Liaison Team (NELT), and Regional EMAC Liaison Team (RELT). | |
Operations ManualA manual that sets forth the terms of the EMAC agreement and establishes the EMAC procedures that all Member States are to follow. It provides the written standardized process to ensure that each Member State understands the EMAC agreement, is adequately prepared to participate in the agreement, and follows the same standardized procedures while implementing EMAC. | |