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EMAC glossary of terms and acronyms.

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See Advance Team.


American Ambulance Association


After Action Conference


After Action Report/Improvement Plan


The second phase of the EMAC process. The activation phase comprises two steps: the declaration of a disaster or emergency by the emergency-impacted state’s governor and opening of an event by the impacted state in the online EMAC Operations System. An emergency-impacted state may not legally request EMAC assistance without first completing these two steps.

Advance Team (A-Team)

A team of two or more personnel from any EMAC Member State who are knowledgeable about and prepared to implement EMAC procedures in their own state or in any other Member State and which, at the request of a Member State, is deployed to the state’s EOC to facilitate EMAC requests and assistance between Member States. The A-Team assists the state with requests for assistance, tracks the location and status of the assistance accepted and deployed to the Requesting State’s locations, and assists deployed personnel as needed and required while they are deployed. The A-Team is the primary point of contact for requesting and gaining assistance provided under EMAC.

After-Action Review (AAR)

A structured review process after an EMAC response that analyzes what happened, why it happened, and how it can be done better.  The results of the After-Action Review are documented in an After-Action Report.


Adjutants Generals Association of the United States

Agent of the State

A designation that a state should provide for non-state-government employees in its EMAC enabling legislation so that its personnel may deploy legally under EMAC for tort liability and immunity purposes. Without the designation “temporary agent of the state” or a definite provision within a memorandum of understanding or other legal document, EMAC-deployed personnel who are not state government employees are at risk with regard to tort liability and workers compensation issues.


All Hazards Incident Management Team Association


Association of Public Safety Communications Officials


American Public Works Association

Area of Operations (AO)

The jurisdictional area for which a deployed coordinating team element is responsible. For example, a state is the Area of Operations for a state emergency management organization. A federal region can consider one or more states within that region as being in its Area of Operations. EMAC personnel deployed to a local area refer to that area as their Area of Operations.

Assisting State

Any EMAC Member State providing assistance to another Member State using the EMAC process.

Authorized Representative (AR)

The state emergency management agency person who can legally obligate state resources and expend state funds for EMAC purposes. In a Requesting State, the Authorized Representative is the person who is legally empowered under Article IIIB of the Compact to initiate a request for assistance under EMAC.  In an Assisting State, the Authorized Representative is the person who can legally approve the response to a request for assistance.   State emergency management directors are positionally named in the EMAC legislation as EMAC Authorized Representatives. The state emergency management director can delegate this authority to other emergency management officials within the organization as long as they possess the same obligating authority as the state emergency management director.

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